Tag Archives: guitar hero

Rock Band drums

I finally got to play the drum pads with Rock Band the other night. Aside from the often illogical beat simplification on the easy difficulty (where’s the goddamn kick drum?), I found it fun overall. Since I have a set of electric drums in my room within spitting distance of my PS3, I started looking in to ways that I could play Rock Band or Guitar Hero World Tour with them on the cheap. I initially thought that I could just get a MIDI-USB converter and run it straight into the Playstation but according to some forum posts, it’s not so simple. The Guitar Hero World Tour drumset has a MIDI in, but it would be very silly to purchase a toy plastic drumset so I can use the set of drums I already have. There is a device to translate midi messages into controller messages but for a pricetag over a hundred dollars, that’s out of the picture as well. I’ve been messing around with PD and I’m wondering if I might be able to bang something out in it using MIDI note ons from the pad hits.