No Remedy album art

No Remedy

No Remedy is the 25th full Caustic Reverie album. Recording began in November 2020 and it was released April 2nd. Song inspirations include the horror comic series Harrow County, Stephen King, COVID fatigue, the political turmoil in the USA, and the crumbling hope that a couple of vaccine shots can fix everything.

No Remedy (45:11)

  1. Haints (4:33)
  2. Constant Reader (3:33)
  3. No Remedy (5:55)
  4. Embracing the Swarm (4:02)
  5. The Boiling Room (11:57)
  6. Xenolith (7:07)
  7. Shrouded (4:24)
  8. Fray (4:23)

The sound design for this album was a mixture of analog synths and time-distorted orchestral instruments.

Look for my album on Bandcamp, Amazon, Spotify, Itunes, and other streaming/download sites as they are added.