Tag Archives: fretless guitar

On fretless guitars

Having messed with my fretless Intrepid for a few weeks now, I can see some of the instrument’s strengths and weaknesses. I love the feel of a neck without frets and the wiggle-room it provides if I’m not exactly playing the note that I intended. Intonation is the big tradeoff. For playing power chords and leads, this thing is awesome, but trying to get chords in tune when my fingers don’t easily fit in the same “fret” is quite the hassle.

I’m working on some new stuff with the fretless and one of the tracks is the heaviest thing I’ve ever committed to tape. Aesthetically this might be closer to Shufflebrain but the writing and production methods are pure Caustic Reverie, so I think that’s how I will release it. The working title is Interference Patterns.