Tag Archives: electronica

Music update

I’m nearly finished with another TheForgotton song called Ganymede that’s based on a 12-tone matrix. There’s just a touch of spit and polish left as well as some sort of artwork I’d like to have before I release it. The possibility of a cohesive album has crossed my mind but there is still a lot more songwriting needed to be done.

I ended up staying up late last night working on a drone that ended up coming close to an album’s worth in one track! This song has lead me in a whole other direction than I’m used to, mainly that of dark ambient. I’m considering releasing some of this new stuff under the name Caustic Reverie. I also need to keep an eye out for a site that will host a 70 + minute song.

Under the Sun/Moon

I was working on the drum levels on my latest song when I realized that it was basically a completely different animal when I muted all the percussion. I’ve since split the song into two realizations: Sub Phoebus and Sub Luna.

Sub Phoebus is closest to the mixdown from the 14th with a working title of Panamaxing, though with more varied percussion and a touch more atmosphere. Sub Luna is an exercise in applied Frippertronics. There is more of an emphasis on space and texture and I’ve changed around the instrumentation. Both songs start and end basically the same but there is a drastic change in mood between them. I’ll post the final tracks when I’m happy with both mixes.