Author Archives: TheForgotton

A brief report of the Herald Hunt 2009

After a period of less-than blogworthyness in my life, I came down with a pretty bad case of the flu. I don’t know if it was the regular type or the one that’s been getting all the scary headlines in the press but I did spend thanksgiving alone because of it. Luckily for me, I was able to recover just in time for this year’s Herald Hunt in Miami Beach.

The Hunt was fun this year but I found it way easy. It was held in the same town and basically a smaller part of the same neighborhood as last time, but the great facilities of the Adrianne Arscht center more than made up for it. I got together with some EvilCON alumni to form a team that ended up being five people large.

Only one puzzle slipped us up, though it turns out that I had guessed how to solve it without ever seeing the whole problem. We were able to arrive at the endgame solution without all of the other clues this year but there were already a throng of people at the site, some of whom were walking away because there was already a winner. We pulled a phone number out of the four dates and called it, expecting there to be six or seven other steps to get to end but the message said that there was already a winner.

There was not a hell of a lot of booing at the wrap-up, as it seemed like the majority of teams had solved most if not all of the Hunt puzzles including the skimpy end-game. The weather was about as nice as it could be in this state, and aside from some difficulties getting food at the Democratic Republic of Beer*, it was smooth sailing most of the way. I have a feeling that four more people will be back for the Hunt next year.

*DRB had some decent sliders but don’t even think about ordering bruchetta unless you want toasted hamburger buns covered with slap-chopped tomato. This is the only place I’ve seen Unibroue beer in the state so far, so drop by and order a bottle of La Fin Du Monde or Trois Pistoles if you’re in the mood for something different.

Triangulation 5.1 mix postmortem

Triangulation is a song that was written a few years back for a random-topic songwriting contest. It was produced in FL Studio, which unfortunately does not have a surround mixer.

I exported all of the mixer channels to their own tracks so that I could import them into Audition. Keeping everything at unity gain, this gave me the stereo mix which I could then mess around with in Audition’s surround panner/encoder module.

The channels are shown relative to a circle with the listener at the center. The white dot shows where the sound source is to be placed, and the blue-shaded area gives you an idea of the coverage area and what’s coming out of the speakers. Audition does not have any way to record mixer automation, so from here on it was a matter of using the mouse to give the individual tracks room in the 5.1 mix. I was able to draw in some automation curves with the pencil tool, so one is able to give these elements some motion. I had originally low-passed the master-track to give me something for the LFE channel, but it turns out that there is a slider to control how much signal goes to that channel.

Here’s the finished product. Higher fidelity version.

The Audition surround panner can do nearly everything I’d like, but is a pain to use in that you need to have all your tracks (including effects sends) printed and ready to mix. I have quite a few MIDI devices with joysticks and X/Y pads, but I don’t seem to be able to use them with this DAW.

Caustic Reverie late September update’s servers took a shit during the weekend I spent uploading my tracks and it took their customer service about a week to get through the backlog and get back to me. I’ve reuploaded the songs and I’m hoping they’ll stick this time. Watch this spot.

I’ve been toying with the idea of a CR album in surround and I did a quick 5.1 mix of Vigils as a proof of concept. I’ll share the link once I get a chance to hear the mix on a decent setup and make sure I didn’t blow the LFE channel all the way to hell.

Steven Wilson and The Incident

I got to do a phone interview with one of my favorite musicians: Steven Wilson of Porucpine Tree, Bass Communion, Continuum, Blackfield, IEM, and a solo artist. We talked about his new album, remastering King Crimson’s classics for surround sound, and what to expect from the upcoming Orphaned Land album ORwarrior. If all goes well, the tour should take him back in this neck of the woods around the spring of 2010.

I’ve been enjoying the surround mix on the latest Porcupine Tree album The Incident, not to mention the hardcover book of photography that is a part of the deluxe edition. Very cool stuff.