Tag Archives: vocabulary

Semi-Useless WOTD: thaumaturgist

12/21/2008 found through Meriam-Webster

thaumaturgist: a performer of miracles ; especially : magician

As she circled the mall parking lot for the third time, Sandy wished she had a thaumaturgist on speed-dial who could conjure her up a parking spot somewhere in this zip code so she could get some last minute shopping done.

Semi-useless WOTD: sequacious

12/14/2008 found through YourDictionary.com

sequacious: easily influenced or led; servile; compliant

Albert left the Walkathalon in mid-lap to try and get himself a milkshake from the burger joint across the street, not realizing that half a dozen sequacious and/or thirsty fundraisers had followed him, deserting for some dessert.

Semi-useless WOTD: horripilation

11/30/2008 found through Dictionary.com

horripilation: the act or process of the hair bristling on the skin, as from cold or fear; goose flesh.

Gary shivered in anticipation of his favorite meal; the mere sound of milk trickling over cornflakes was enough to cause him horripilation and send his salivary glands into overdrive.

Semi-useless WOTD: Incrassate

11/23/2008 found through WWFTD

Incrassate : to make thicker

Doris’s recipe for Thanksgiving gravy was kept secret not because it was a closely guarded family tradition, but because it used a packet of freeze-dried brine shrimp to incrassate the drippings, and she was afraid that this knowledge might cause a scene among her more gastronomically conservative in-laws.

Semi-useless WOTD: truculent

11/09/2008 found through New York Times

truculent : ready to fight or quarrel

The Thanksgiving display at Lehrman’s mall had to be taken down early because of a truculent fifth grader that had threatened to eat Tony Turkey, a prized gobbler that had been taken hostage in an attempt to move Christmas forward another couple of weeks.

Semi-useless WOTD: otiose

10/19/2008 found through Dictionary.com

otiose : Ineffective; futile.

Changing the windshield wipers on Danielle’s Keys Cruiser was at best an otiose gesture, as the windscreen itself was cracked in so many places that both passenger and driver usually had to stick their heads out the side windows to see where they were going.