Tag Archives: Humor

Further Complications Kindle giveaway event

Hi folks, I’m doing a special for two days on my comedic novel Further Complications for the low, low price of free.

Already read it? Please help spread the word. Write reviews to Amazon and Goodreads, tweet about the freebie, and submit this to your favorite free e-book blog.

Further Complications now available

My first novel Further Complications is now available on the Kindle Store for $2.99.

FC_Bryn 4-21-15 font tweak

Bryn’s bookshelf: brynschurman

Further Complications
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Semi-useless WOTD: defalcate

3/15/2008 found through Dictionary.com

defalcate: to steal or misuse money or property entrusted to one’s care

In his haste to get into the nightclub and start imbibing green-hued beverages, Harry soon found himself defalcated by a little man dressed like a Leprechaun, who turned out not to be the valet parking attendant after all.

Semi-useless WOTD: obaceration

3/01/2008 found through WWFTD

obaceration:  of shutting someone’s mouth

Just as Stevenson was starting to ask her out for the fifth time that night, Samantha interrupted to ask him where he got the red dress from his myspace picture, a remark that lead to his immediate obaceration and departure from the party, and it was rumored to have prompted his sudden move to Saskatoon