Category Archives: writing

Further Complications now available

My first novel Further Complications is now available on the Kindle Store for $2.99.

FC_Bryn 4-21-15 font tweak

Bryn’s bookshelf: brynschurman

Further Complications
0 of 5 stars

March update

My great job search continues. Current projects I’m juggling: implementing a rudimentary dynamic music system into Cube, another round of editing and revisions for my novel Further Complications, and putting together a more extensive sound reel using clips from Facewound, PVKII, and NMRIH. I just got a Cold Gold hydrophone and I’m excited to try it out. I’ve heard they make good contact mics even out of the water, so we’ll see.

100 word story: Fountain

On a busy afternoon in the park, two lovers stopped in front of the gleaming brass fountain. She asked him for a coin.

He pulled one from his pocket and handed it to her. “What will you wish for?” He had to raise his voice just short of a yell to be heard over the drone of leaf blowers and shouts from a nearby soccer match.

She didn’t say.

The dime hit the water with a splash and then stopped, as if frozen in place. Little droplets of water hung suspended near the surface and glinted in the silent sunlight.

More microfiction

Drive your car into an empty field, away from the city. Move the body from the trunk to the front seat and put your nose studs and earrings into the flesh of the corpse. With a little luck and a gallon of unleaded, it might fool the investigators for a while. They haven’t found the others yet but you shouldn’t feel cozy. Cut your hair and hop the first bus to the next town. Be forgettable, vulnerable, another face in the crowd. You will know what to do when the time is right again. No souvenirs. Stick to the plan.

No more directions, only laughter from the GPS as Abe’s car sank into the lake, sounding like an echo of his late ex-wife.

They hid the brightly colored eggs before any of the children awoke. The Easter wasps flew back to their nest and waited.

Quality Control

I lift the spoon to my lips again and force myself to chew the briny yellow paste, swallowing a scream that no one in the factory would even hear.

I once squished the brightly colored blobs into shapes, mixing bits from each plastic tub in the hopes that my eyes would trick my tastebuds. It didn’t matter if molded into a hotdog or tugboat, the Doh would always taste the same.

I think of yogurt, pudding, oatmeal, anything to choke down another bite without puking a rainbow; I was mere ounces away from my quota.

Quality Control: it’s a living.

Further Complications update

I’m happy to announce that I’ve just finished revising the second draft of my novel Further Complications. Once I hear back from my trusted readers, it will be time to make it avalable to the public. I was leaning towards self-publishing through the Kindle store, but I’m wondering if there is a publishing house or two out there that would be interested in my story.

2014 is here! Holy crap, it’s almost February!

Howdy, folks. I’ve been too busy writing, making music, and otherwise carrying on to give this site regular updates lately. Here’s my late 2013-to-present update of affairs.

On the writing front, I finished a very rough draft of my first novel Casey Stripe: Discount Necromancer. While I was trying to sort it out and turn it into something more readable, November came around again and I started on another NaNoWriMo attempt, which turned into Further Complications, my second novel. As it stands now, my second book might be ready before my first one, since it was less of a tangled mess and didn’t require nearly as much research into the arcane and occult.

My radio show The Eleventh Hour continues on in podcast form. The updates are more sporadic than I’d like, but you can subscribe to the RSS or just like the Facebook page to be notified when new shows are available.

I’m continuing to work on two Source-engine mods: No More Room in Hell, which made the finals for the ModDB awards for 2013, and Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II. Both are available on Steam, though you may need an Orange-box game already installed to get PVKII running.

There have been some lineup changes with my group Identity Collapse but we’ve recently started recording again. Instead of the electronic drum triggers that we used on the demo, we’ve been able to set up microphones around my real drumset at the IC corporate headquarters.


Fear came to me with seven legs
scuttling on tile at 10:40 PM
A flurry of brown and then gone

I waited, unsure what I’d seen
This phantom a symptom of
weary eyes and worry?

I stared, vigilant
Every hair tingling
as if tickled by silken thread

The invader remained unseen
When did it creep into my sanctuary
and did it have scurrying friends?

The night wore on
Every corner and crevice
in the dark an ambush

My mind’s eye busied
weaving tapestries of bites
and ballooning purple flesh

a shape ascends my wall