Category Archives: Semi-useless Word of the Day

Semi-Useless WOTD: thaumaturgist

12/21/2008 found through Meriam-Webster

thaumaturgist: a performer of miracles ; especially : magician

As she circled the mall parking lot for the third time, Sandy wished she had a thaumaturgist on speed-dial who could conjure her up a parking spot somewhere in this zip code so she could get some last minute shopping done.

Semi-useless WOTD: sequacious

12/14/2008 found through

sequacious: easily influenced or led; servile; compliant

Albert left the Walkathalon in mid-lap to try and get himself a milkshake from the burger joint across the street, not realizing that half a dozen sequacious and/or thirsty fundraisers had followed him, deserting for some dessert.

Semi-useless WOTD: horripilation

11/30/2008 found through

horripilation: the act or process of the hair bristling on the skin, as from cold or fear; goose flesh.

Gary shivered in anticipation of his favorite meal; the mere sound of milk trickling over cornflakes was enough to cause him horripilation and send his salivary glands into overdrive.

Semi-useless WOTD: Incrassate

11/23/2008 found through WWFTD

Incrassate : to make thicker

Doris’s recipe for Thanksgiving gravy was kept secret not because it was a closely guarded family tradition, but because it used a packet of freeze-dried brine shrimp to incrassate the drippings, and she was afraid that this knowledge might cause a scene among her more gastronomically conservative in-laws.

Semi-useless WOTD: velleity

11/16/2008 found through Curious words and phrases

velleity : a mild desire, a wish or urge too mild to lead to action

After plunging both hands into the carcass of the beached whale, Doctor Floss found himself with an itchy nose, a condition that worsened as the urge to scratch blossomed from mere velleity to a maddening compulsion the longer he continued the necropsy.

Semi-useless WOTD: truculent

11/09/2008 found through New York Times

truculent : ready to fight or quarrel

The Thanksgiving display at Lehrman’s mall had to be taken down early because of a truculent fifth grader that had threatened to eat Tony Turkey, a prized gobbler that had been taken hostage in an attempt to move Christmas forward another couple of weeks.