Tag Archives: microfiction

100 word story: Fountain

On a busy afternoon in the park, two lovers stopped in front of the gleaming brass fountain. She asked him for a coin.

He pulled one from his pocket and handed it to her. “What will you wish for?” He had to raise his voice just short of a yell to be heard over the drone of leaf blowers and shouts from a nearby soccer match.

She didn’t say.

The dime hit the water with a splash and then stopped, as if frozen in place. Little droplets of water hung suspended near the surface and glinted in the silent sunlight.

More microfiction

Drive your car into an empty field, away from the city. Move the body from the trunk to the front seat and put your nose studs and earrings into the flesh of the corpse. With a little luck and a gallon of unleaded, it might fool the investigators for a while. They haven’t found the others yet but you shouldn’t feel cozy. Cut your hair and hop the first bus to the next town. Be forgettable, vulnerable, another face in the crowd. You will know what to do when the time is right again. No souvenirs. Stick to the plan.

No more directions, only laughter from the GPS as Abe’s car sank into the lake, sounding like an echo of his late ex-wife.

They hid the brightly colored eggs before any of the children awoke. The Easter wasps flew back to their nest and waited.